Stitt: Live Streams Will Boost Local TV In ’14
Ron Stitt, group VP of digital media for Fox Television Stations, says local broadcasters are in a better position digitally now than they were three years ago thanks primarily to their mobile efforts. “Between the screen on the wall, the tabl...
Mobile-First Could Risk Losing Desktop Users
Sam Kirkland: "No question news organizations have been too slow to hop on the mobile train, but once on board I hope they don’t speed away from desktop too quickly while readers are still there."
Hyperlocal Video, Big Data Are Day 2 Focus
Day two of BIA/Kelsey's Leading In Local Conference In San Francisco featured a number of disparate discussions. Among the standouts: a new hyperlocal model fueled by video content, a pair of forthcoming user-generated content-oriented apps from Wande...
Mobile, Olympics Drive 3 New Ad Forecasts
Three new ad spending forecasts released Sunday night are pegging ad growth next year partly on the Winter Olympics, the World Cup and the mid-term elections in the U.S. It's the first time in 20 years that a new platform is expanding overall ad spendi...
18 Ways To Take Mobile Seriously In 2014
If mobile is at the top of your media company's list of New Year's resolutions — and it should be — INMA has 18 things to keep in mind as you head into 2014.