
Mobile Minutes: Fandango buys Rotten Tomatoes; Google Express expands; Apple opposes judge; T-Mobile adds customers

By | February 17th, 2016|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing – Fandango to acquire Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster from Warner Bros.; Google adds fresh food to Express delivery in crowded field; Apple opposes judge’s order to help unlock phone linked to San Bernardino attack; T-Mobile profit nearly triples, adds 2.1 million customers.

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Mobile Minutes: Groupon’s boost; Grammys’ record-breaking streaming; Bon Appetit embraces iPhone; Broken iPhones

By | February 16th, 2016|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing – Groupon rises from the dead as Alibaba buys stake; CBS touts record-breaking Grammys streaming, despite technical glitch; They’re just like us! Bon Appetit shot its latest food pics on an iPhone; Apple confirms iOS problem breaks iPhones.

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