
Twitter Expands Mobile Ad Network

By | August 20th, 2015|Mobile|

Twitter has widened its mobile ad network to more marketers and added video to the mix, Jack Marshall reports. The product has been renamed Twitter Audience Platform, and now "it’s allowing all advertisers with dedicated account managers at Twitt...

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Mobile Minutes: Facebook leads news traffic; PayPal buys Modest; Viewable mobile ads; Apple Music retention

By | August 19th, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing – Facebook has taken over from Google as a traffic source for news; PayPal continues acquisition spree, buys ecommerce startup led by former Obama campaign CTO; Advertisers only want to buy viewable mobile ads, but sellers are waiting for standards; Apple disputes MusicWatch survey numbers on streaming retention.

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Few marketers transcend mobile-first to revolutionize customer experience: Forrester

By | August 19th, 2015|Mobile|

Mobile maturity is rare among marketers, with 44 percent still shrinking desktop experiences for smaller screens, and while 42 percent put mobile first, only 14 percent are truly transforming the customer experience, according to a new report Forrester...

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The Advantages Of Mobile Journalism

By | August 19th, 2015|Mobile|

J-School professor Judd Silvka says if done right, mobile journalism has four key advantages. First, it's a force multiplier, expanding an organization's visual assets on the scene. It can also go to social fast, allows working in a single platform and...

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