

Mobile Minutes: HomeKit devices launch; Microsoft acquires Wunderlist; Apple’s music service; Samsung’s mobile payments

By | June 3rd, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing - First Apple HomeKit-certified smart home devices launch; Microsoft acquires German maker of Wunderlist productivity app; Apple's new music service set to launch; Samsung will expand its mobile payments service to China and E...

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Walmart uses location-based targeting to create more accurate audience segments

By | June 3rd, 2015|Mobile|

Walmart achieved a significant increase in store visitation lift using both proximity and audience targeting for its Savings Catcher mobile application, according to new data released today by the Mobile Marketing Association.

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Walmart uses location-based targeting to create more accurate audience segments

By | June 3rd, 2015|Mobile|

Walmart achieved a significant increase in store visitation lift using both proximity and audience targeting for its Savings Catcher mobile application, according to new data released today by the Mobile Marketing Association.

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