
Mobile Minutes: Moto G; US watch sales; Monthly Android fixes; Buying YouTube ads

By | August 9th, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing – The Moto G has everything you could want in a $180 phone; Apple helps push U.S. watch sales to biggest drop in seven years; Google, Samsung to issue monthly Android security fixes; Google is going to limit the number of ways brands can buy YouTube ads.

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Mobile Minutes: Apple Music; Smartphone use in Britain; Tablets’ woes; HTC sales plunge

By | August 6th, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing – Apple Music hooks 11 million trial members, App Store has record July; Smartphones finally more popular than PCs in the UK, thanks to selfies, 4G; Tablet computers have a big problem; HTC expects loss five times wider than estimates as sales plunge.

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Weather Tech: Mobile With A Chance of AR

By | August 6th, 2015|Mobile|

For broadcasters, the big payoff from mobile and social media comes when viewers tune in to watch the local weathercast. When they do, they’ll find several new presentation and forecasting tools that make weather on the big screen even more accur...

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