

Mobile Minutes: Twitter’s autoplay videos; Comcast eyes T-Mobile US; Bitcoin and gift cards; Fitbit’s IPO

By | June 17th, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing - Twitter finally rolls out auto-play video; Deutsche Telekom talks to Comcast about T-Mobile US sale: Manager Magazin; Why the Bitcoin blockchain could make gift cards, a consumer favorite, even more beloved; How FitBit can a...

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Labor Concessions, Real Estate Sale, Helped Fuel $36M Investment in La Presse+ App

By | June 17th, 2015|Mobile|

Montreal’s La Presse spent $36 million building a tablet app that it sees as its path to future sustainability as a mass medium. Paying for it required the help of its powerful labor union, whose concessions were translated into a deep reinvestme...

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Mobile Minutes: Facebook’s Moments app; Apple Music royalties; Texting for Ubers; Event-based photo search

By | June 16th, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing - First look: Facebook's new photo-sharing app Moments; Apple to pay common royalty rates for music service; No smartphone? Now you can hail an Uber via text message; Mobli takes on Internet giants with event-based photo and v...

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