

Mobile Minutes: Brexit and tech; YouTube takes mobile live; NYT’s VR win; Ad blocking legal win

By | June 26th, 2016|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing – Brexit vote: What the UK leaving the EU means for tech; YouTube launches mobile live streaming; The New York Times' VR fare nabs Cannes Mobile Lions Grand Prix; German court hands Springer partial victory in ad-blocking case.

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QSRs brainstorm next-generation in-store engagement tactics to gain competitive edge – Mobile Commerce Daily

By | June 26th, 2016|Mobile|

Mobile Commerce Daily today - QSRs brainstorm next-generation in-store engagement tactics to gain competitive edge; Hotwire accommodates evolving travel behaviors with post-midnight mobile booking.

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Ad blocking could be detrimental to mobile sites’ loading times: report

By | June 26th, 2016|Mobile|

Although ad blockers may be of interest to impatient consumers, financial services’ mobile sites that have enabled ad blocking typically experience slower load times while retail and travel sites fare slightly better, according to a report from Catchpoint Systems.

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Ad blocking could be detrimental to mobile sites’ loading times: report

By | June 26th, 2016|Mobile|

Although ad blockers may be of interest to impatient consumers, financial services’ mobile sites that have enabled ad blocking typically experience slower load times, while retail sites tend to perform slightly better and news and travel sites tend to perform significantly better, according to a report from Catchpoint Systems.

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