netGALAXY Studios received approval for the launch of a new lifestyle app called EBIPS which helps parents and caregivers identify and encourage their children’s progress in the five core areas of emotional, behavioral, intellectual, physical and social development.

The idea for the app was conceived and funded by Dr. Julia A. Trebing, a Doctor of Psychology and director of Creative Therapies in Connecticut. The app features 1,000 information points sorted by development category and age. There are four EBIPS tracks in the app available for purchase: Infancy, Toddler, Early Childhood and Childhood. Once a user purchases a track, it will be added to the profiles of each of their children when age appropriate. Along with having a convenient mode of access to the information through a mobile app, users can also create an album of photos to showcase their child’s development steps.

Under the leadership of netGALAXY Studios’ Chief Technology Officer, Charles von Lehe, the team was able to complete the development, testing and submission of the app in under six months. The team will continue to manage future updates of the app according to feedback received from the initial launch.

The app is free to download and is currently available for iOS devices in the App Store. For more information about the EBIPS app, visit