
Mobile Minutes: IPhone 6 in China; PayPal, eBay split; Samsung’s Tizen inventory; Google’s Oracle appeal denied

By | June 29th, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing - Apple’s iPhone 6 ends China’s cheap streak; PayPal and eBay to trade separately starting next month; Samsung Electronics plans more Tizen smartphones this year: source; Supreme Court denies Google appeal on Oracle suit.

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The Atlantic, Aspen Institute tap social media to promote social change

By | June 29th, 2015|Mobile|

The Atlantic and the Aspen Institute are tapping the full range of social media, from Facebook to Periscope, to promote social change through a broad exchange of ideas on mobile from participants both off site and on at the Aspen Ideas Festival.

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Mobile Minutes: Siri and HomeKit; Mobile payments and tips; T-Mobile’s free upgrades; Apple’s Confederate flag removal

By | June 28th, 2015|Mobile|

Today in mobile marketing - Here's how Apple's Siri will control your house under HomeKit program; Mobile payments are making people tip more at meals; T-Mobile offers free phone upgrades whenever you want; Apple purges online store of certain apps usi...

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