Is this my interface or yours?
John Saito shares some thoughts around interface items that belong to you. A great piece that sure does get you thinking. (medium.com)
Rebuilding Slacks Website (slack.engineering)
Manage projects. Bill your clients. Stay profitable.
Meet Harpoon, the all-in-one financial success platform for freelancers, studios, and agencies. You decide how much money you want your business to make this year. Harpoon provides the tools you need to help achieve that goal. Try it free for 14 days! (harpoonapp.com)
The whole web at maximum FPS
Lin Clark nerds out about WebRender which is part of Firefox Quantum. (hacks.mozilla.org)
Myths of Progressive Web Apps
As a fairly new and evolving concept, PWAs may be defined and understood differently by different people. In this post, Peter O’Shaughnessy shares some common myths about PWAs. (medium.com)
Bootstrap 4’s New Reset
Nicholas Cerminara explores some cool features of Reboot and how you can start using it today. (scotch.io)
REST versus GraphQL
A technical look at REST versus GraphQL, comparing and contrasting the two API specifications. (blog.pusher.com)
Exploring Data with Serverless and Vue
Sarah Drasner runs us through making use of a Serverless function and using Vuex to create a cutting edge demo. (css-tricks.com)
Mindsets every designer and researcher should embrace (usejournal.com)
React, Inline Functions, and Performance (reacttraining.com)
Tools / Resources
Image Effects with CSS
Bennett Feely has put together a great selection of image effects that can be achieved with CSS. Great little resource for some inspiration. (bennettfeely.com)
User Feedback is Key to Creating Awesome Experiences
What are your users actually thinking? Learn how to build an effective user testing plan and get actionable insights fast with this free guide. (usertesting.com)
Next.js 4
The latest version of Next.js shipped, which features support for React 16 and introduces a major upgrade for the default styling engine styled-jsx with support for dynamic styles. (zeit.co)
A colour scheme for modern web development (trevordmiller.com)
Live Theming with CSS Variables (jonathan-harrell.com)
The Curious Case of Mobx State Tree (codeburst.io)
Glimmer.js Progress Report (emberjs.com)
Cypress is now public beta (cypress.io)
Vue.js Style Guide (vuejs.org)
Advice for New Developers and Interviewing at Google (syntax.fm)
A Lifetime of Nerdery (css-tricks.com)
Senior Front End Developer at Shopify
At Shopify we have one of the largest front end architectures in the world, and our front end development team works on making our client-side scalable, approachable, and an exceptional experience for hundreds of thousands of shop owners across the world. (shopify.com)
Front-End Engineer at Cloudability
Cloudability is seeking an exceptional Senior Software Engineer to join our team. The ideal candidate will thrive in a modern web development environment using ReactJS, Redux, SASS and other libraries. (cloudability.com)
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Last but not least…
The Depression Thing (zachholman.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #295 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.